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ufs3 error 0084"

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view post Posted on 3/11/2012, 13:35     +1   -1

hola amigos, tengo un problema con mi hwk ufs 3, la adquiri original con una pinza para nokias ufc version 2.0 pero al instalar con el support 2.20 de la web original solo me sale esto en repair y normal y ya no se que hacer

Connecting to device ...
Repairing UFSx...ok.

FAILED: Selected device, not compatible with software (ErrorCode:0084)")

Update error may be caused by instability of communication, please try the following methods to resolve:
1. Click the "Prev" button,select "Repair UFSx first" and re-update.
2. Replace a USB data cable, and then re-update.
3. Replace a host computer USB port, and then re-update.
If the above solution to the problem remains unresolved, please contact our technical support.

y tambien esto

Connecting to device ...
Repairing UFSx...
FAILED: UFSx firmware is cleared

Update error may be caused by instability of communication, please try the following methods to resolve:
1. Click the "Prev" button,select "Repair UFSx first" and re-update.
2. Replace a USB data cable, and then re-update.
3. Replace a host computer USB port, and then re-update.
If the above solution to the problem remains unresolved, please contact our technical support.

Ya intente hacer lo que me dice pero todo sigue igual, sigue pasando lo mismo, incluso acabo de formatear la PC e instale xp para no tener problemas con driver y sigue igual T_T

ayudenme por favor si alguno tiene la solucion
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